Race and Christianity in Early Virginia

February 21, 2019

Rebecca Anne Goetz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of History
New York University

This event was part of the Humanities Research Center's "Virginia's Past, Present and Future" lecture series and was presented in partnership with American Evolution: Virginia to America, 1619-2019. It was co-sponsored by the VCU Department of History.

Virginia's Past, Present and Future Lecture Series

2019 marks the 400th anniversary of the first recorded arrival of Africans in British North America. The Humanities Research Center at Virginia Commonwealth University is hosting a year-long series of speaker events and programs, entitled "Virginia’s Past, Present and Future," to foster an informed and constructive conversation about the events of 1619 and the mythology that has built up around them; the subsequent experience of Africans and African Americans in Virginia, British America, and the United States; the continued impact of that history; and the possibilities for a future in which Americans can shed that legacy, building together a just and inclusive multi-racial society.