Crafting a Health Humanities Minor at VCU

In 2023, the National Endowment for the Humanities awarded the Health Humanities Lab $150,000 in support of a three-year effort to establish a minor in health humanities. The project, “Crafting a Health Humanities Minor,” led by lab director Chris Cynn and Sachi Shimomura, launched in Fall 2024 and focuses on understanding and challenging the broader societal and historic contexts, as well as systemic and structural inequities, that produce health and health care disparities.

The team is also developing an Introduction to Health Humanities ACCA course, a collaboration between several faculty members and students. The course highlights the following objectives:

In this unit, students will:

  • Define the health humanities 
  • Differentiate health inequities from health inequalities
  • Differentiate health humanities from medical humanities
  • Describe disciplinary, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary methods
  • Apply health humanities methods to a scenario and analyze how they explain health inequities

Health Humanities minor courses


Meet the Team

Sachi Shimomura

Sachi Shimomura, PhD

Project Director

Sachi Shimomura is Associate Professor of English at Virginia Commonwealth University.





Aaron Anderson

Aaron Anderson, PhD

Project Co-director

Aaron Anderson, PhD, MFA, is Founding Director of VCU’s Standardized Patient Program. He is also Professor, Associate Chair and Head of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Theatre, Liaison for Arts + Health Research in the School of the Arts, and Affiliate Faculty in the Department of Internal Medicine. He holds an Interdisciplinary PhD in Culture from Northwestern University and an MFA in Theatre from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa.

Scott Breuninger

Scott Breuninger, PhD

Project Co-director

Scott Breuninger joined the Honors College during the summer of 2020. As Dean, Dr. Breuninger serves as the senior academic and administrative leader of the Honors College and is responsible for overseeing the college’s strategic, operational, and financial directions. His research focuses on the social, moral and economic dimensions of the Enlightenment, particularly how this movement was expressed in Ireland. This work has resulted in a book (Recovering Bishop Berkeley: Virtue and Society in the Anglo-Irish Context), and a co-edited collection (The Bonds of Society: Sociability and Cosmopolitanism on the Fringes of the Enlightenment).

Chris Cynn

Chris Cynn, PhD

Project Co-director

Chris Cynn is an associate professor of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies. Her interdisciplinary research draws from gender, queer of color, and cultural studies to explore literary and visual productions related to illness, health, memory, and archives. She has worked as a full-time community organizer and as a video producer, and is the author of Prevention: Gender, Sexuality, HIV, and the Media in Côte d’Ivoire, the co-producer of a documentary on a human rights trial in Haiti, and the co-producer and director of a number of short videos.