Envisioning Afro-Indigenous Futures: Land Back, Reparations, and the Aftermath of Colonialism and White Supremacy

This recording was made on February 3, 2022

HRC Speaker Series

Dr. Kyle Mays is an Afro-Indigenous (Saginaw Chippewa) writer and a transdisciplinary scholar of U.S. history, urban studies, race relations and contemporary popular culture. He is an assistant professor of African American studies, American Indian Studies and History at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the author of numerous articles and 3 books (2 published, one forthcoming), which include: Hip Hop Beats, Indigenous Rhymes: Modernity and Hip Hop in Indigenous North America (SUNY Press, 2018), An Afro-Indigenous History of the United States (Beacon Press, 2021), and forthcoming in May 2022, City of Dispossessions Indigenous Peoples, African Americans, and the Creation of Modern Detroit from the U of Pennsylvania Press.