Billie Jean King, Cornell West, Elizabeth Pryor, and Bob Woodward. The words interdisciplinary, collaborative, inclusive, global, and public are superimposed.

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Káy Coghill
KáLyn Coghill

March 21, 2025

The Clap Back: A Look into Digital Misogynoir and Online Harm Reduction Practices

12:00 p.m. (Online) 

Join us for a Work-in-Progress Seminar with KáLyn Coghill, adjunct instructor in the Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Work-in-Progess Seminar


Hala Auji
Hala Auji

March 24, 2025

The Arab Nahda as Popular Entertainment: Mass Culture and Modernity in the Middle East

12:00 p.m. (Online)

Hala Auji is an Associate Professor of Art History and the Hamad bin Khalifa Endowed Chair of Islamic Art at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Meet VCU Authors


Margaret Hu
Margaret Hu

April 23, 2025

Public Interest Technology in the Age of AI

4:00 p.m. (In person) 

Join us for a Technology Humanities Speaker Series event with Margaret Hu, the Taylor Reveley Research Professor and Professor of Law, and Director of the Digital Democracy Lab, at William & Mary (W&M) Law School.

Technology Humanities Speaker Series



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Fellowship and Grant Writing for Graduate Students in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Jose Alcaine, Meredith Sisson and Mary Strawderman
Director of Research Services in the Office of Research and Faculty Development, Associate Director in the Honors College National Scholarship Office, and Doctoral Student in the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs

Between Here and There: Creating the Political Economy of Mexican Migration

Daniel Morales
Assistant Professor of History at Virginia Commonwealth University,
author of Between Here and There

Brian Daugherity

Faculty Spotlight: Brian Daugherity

Written by Maggie Unverzagt Goddard, Postdoctoral Fellow, History Dept.; Associate Director, Health Humanities Lab; Co-Director, Public Humanities Lab


As the Co-Director of the Public Humanities Lab at the HRC, Brian Daugherity draws on his extensive experience using collaboration as a methodology. Combining history and education, his work is not just limited to learning about the past; rather, Daugherity focuses on the past to learn important lessons and to find how it connects with the present.

Brian Daugherity's research focuses on the implementation of the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision in Virginia. He teaches courses on the History of the Civil Rights Movement, the History of Virginia, and the History of the United States since 1865. Daugherity also has taught a number of traveling courses, including an interdisciplinary class on the civil rights movement in the South, and another on the history of Virginia via a month-long boating trip down the James River.

In 2014, Daugherity co-taught “Footprints on the James: The Human and Natural History of Virginia” with James Vonesh and Dan Carr, two VCU biology professors, to explore the history and biology of the James River watershed, and how the two disciplines overlap and intersect. Along with their students, the faculty traveled a roughly 150-mile section of the James via sea kayak, canoe, raft, and bateau while backpacking and camping along the way... [Read the full spotlight]

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